Architecture Lecture 2024 - Videos of Thought Provoking Event

18 October 2024

Ash Sakula

The 2024 lecture with the title of 'Housing to Benefit the Environment and Public' was delivered on the 17th October by Cany Ash and Robert Sakula the two co-founding partners of Ash Sakula Architects , one of the UK’s leading housing and regeneration architects.

Cany Ash

Before setting up Ash Sakula in 1994, Cany Ash worked for the GLC Architect’s Department and Burrell Foley Fischer, as well as in New York and Berlin. She has taught at a number of architectural schools as a critic and studio tutor and is an external examiner at Cambridge University. She is an experienced co-designer, leading design workshops with young people and many community groups. She has served on the RIBA Awards Group, as a CABE Enabler, a Client Design Advisor and a Civic Trust Awards Assessor. She is member of the South East Design Review Panel.

Robert Sakula

In his early career, Robert Sakula worked with Clough Williams-Ellis at Portmeirion, David Lea and DEGW. He is a Civic Trust Awards judge, a RIBA Competitions Advisor and an RIBA Awards jury chair. He has taught and lectured at schools in Britain, as well as in Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Milan, Portland, Chongqing and Melbourne. He is a member of four design review panels and a RIBA Awards Jury Chair.

The Lecture

Cany and Robert explained how their approach had evolved over many years referencing four schemes.  Completed schemes in Bordon, Southwold, Newcastle; the fourth scheme in Lewes has just received detailed planning permission and is the first part of The Phoenix Project - more details on the linked post below.  They have a approach which is concerned with building successful communities and fostering convivial neighbourhoods through people centred design.  Below is a small number of pictures of the schemes discussed.

With the governments initiative to significantly increase the number of new homes being built over the next five years the involvement of good housing designers in this challenging goal will be essential to its successful achievement.

Profitable Neighbourhoods

In the second part of the lecture Cany Ash described how Ash Sakula have condensed their philosophy of design into a series of principles and design concepts that is embodied in a toolkit  'Profitable Neighbourhoods'.

Profitable Neighbourhoods is based on the principles of increased densification, human wellbeing, combined with innovative design.  Key aspects that are considered when developing schemes should include:

  • Location and assets
  • Density matters (Building Density can have benefits both to the communities created and also making the developments more economically viable) 
  • Development appraisal
  • Beyond the home
  • Hyper-local economy
  • Cardio communities (Have designs that encourage physical activity e.g. use of stairs rather than lifts to access properties)
  • Doorstep conviviality (Entrances which encourage social interaction)

Viewing or Revisiting the Lecture

Videos of Event - all open as YouTube Videos.

Welcome to the Lecture – Nic Smith University of Surrey.

See Video

Approx length 3 minutes.

Introduction to the Lecture

Peter Coleman – The Guildford Society introduces the lecture by Cany Ash and Robert Saluka.  Cany and Robert then provide a brief background on the working ethos and latest development of the practice.

See Video

Approx length 4 minutes.

Part 1 - Four Projects

Presentation by Robert Sakula with additional comments from Cany Ash

See Video

Approx Length 36 minutes

Part 2 - Profitable Neighbourhoods

Presentation by Cany Ash.

See Video

Approx Length 15 minutes

Questions and Answers followed by Thanks from Chair of Guildford Society..

Chaired by Peter Coleman of the Guildford Society with Questions from the audience for Cany Ash and Robert Sakula. Closing remarks and thanks from the Chair of the Guilford Society Alistair Smith.

See Video 

Approx Length 30 minutes

Architecture Lecture 2023

The Architecture Lecture 2023 featuring Peter Barber and Simon Hudspith, had similarities to the ideas discussed by Cany Ash and Robert Sakula, notably consideration for location, design density, and that low buildings were possible.  The 2023 Architecture lecture can be seen at linked post below.  


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