Electric Storage Units

06 August 2024

Making the Supply System work better.

A interesting planning application (24/P/01144) has been received by the council for the 'Construction and operation of a micro energy storage unit in Guildford'.

The applicants (AMP) are proposing the installation of a  200kW (800kWhr) Energy Storage System (ESS) (‘Battery Box’) to make the conventional electricty supply more able to cope with changing supply technologies and growing demand.  AMP claim to working on developing 1000 similar sites across the UK.  The picture shows one of the boxes, it is assumed tha vibrant branding will be toned down in practice.

AMP argue that the electricity supply system is changing from a era where it 'was traditionally dominated by a small number of large power stations fuelled by fossil fuel (namely coal and natural gas). However, the system is now becoming increasingly supplied by intermittent sources of renewable energy such as wind and solar power. Renewable power generation does not always match when the demand for electricity is highest.

To overcome this, we need a more flexible energy system that allows to shift renewable energy to the periods of the day when the demand for power is at its greatest. And as the UK builds more and more renewable projects, increasingly there are times when the amount of renewable electricity on the system is greater than the demand for it. ESS’s allow this ‘excess’ renewable electricity to be stored and used later when low carbon sources are unable to generate enough electricity (i.e., when it isn’t windy and sunny). By doing so ESS’s can prevent the need to turn on fossil fuel generators and allow the UK to maximise the use of renewable power and to facilitate the UK’s transition to net-zero. In addition, ESS’s can provide services to both National Gird (NG) (who operate the transmission network) and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) who operate the local electricity networks. For example, they can help maintain services during network outages, support the network frequency and ‘black start’ which helps energise a network following a power cut. ESS also can replace the need for wider network upgrades. This reduces the cost for all bill payers and also the inconvenience of road works and building works associated with replacing electricity cables and substations.

The proposed system is measures about 2M tall, 3M wide and 1M Deep.  The storage system is surrounded by a fence so the land take is approximately 6M by 4M.  It is proposed, in this application, to site the installation on a grass verge in an area of houses.

The principle of the unit is not a concern but the following issues need consideration:

a) Our streets are already full of boxes, poles, signs etc.  Yet more streetscape clutter should be avoided.

b) The energy stored is substantial, how risk of fire is to be managed is not explained, the capacity is approximately the equivalent of three electric cars.  

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