Local Climate Change Policies

06 July 2024

Supplementary Policy on Climate Change.

Guildford Borough Council (GBC) has produced a Draft Climate Change, Sustainable Design, Construction and Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  SPDs provide detailed guidance on how the Council will apply planning policy when determining planning applications.

This is now published for consultation over the period from midday 5 July to midday 9 August 2024.

Contents of the SPD

The purpose of the SPD is to update and supersede the Climate Change, Sustainable Design, Construction and Energy Supplementary Planning Document that was adopted in 2020.

The proposed SPD provides detailed formal guidance on adopted Local Plan policies that deal with:

  • climate change mitigation,
  • climate change adaptation,
  • sustainable design and construction, and
  • low and zero carbon energy. 

You can read the Draft SPD at the link below.

To find out more information and to respond to the consultation, please visit the consultation homepage on the GBC Website  https://guildford.inconsult.uk/CCSDCE24/consultationHome

The Guildford Society will be considering this SPD, and responding to GBC.


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