Gosden Hill

07 August 2023

Proposals for major Strategic Site

This site is one of the major Strategic Sites identified in the Local Plan (LPSS) 2019 as Policy A25.  The site has been owned by Martin Grant for several years.

The Gosden Hill site lies to the northeast of Guildford, with Burpham and Merrow Lane forming the western site boundary. The north of the site is bound by the A3, and the east of the site is bound by woodland and fields, with the settlement of West Clandon beyond. The Guildford-London railway line is to the south of the site.

Policy A25

This proposes that on the 89HA of the site there should be:

  • Approximately 1,800 homes, including some specialist housing and self-build plots.
  • Approximately 10,000 sq m of employment floorspace
  • Approximately 1600 sq m of retail, services, conmmunity use  in a new local centre
  • A two-form entry primary school and a four-form entry secondary school.

The policy also discusses options for a revised traffic junctions etc, and allocating space for a new Guildford East rail station.

The site is also covered by the Strategic Development Framework – Supplementary Planning Document(SPD). (The site illustration comes from the GBC SPD)

Plans Emerging

Plans have now progressed, and public consultation is starting.  Over the summer the developers are engaging in discussions with the local community and are planning to have a more extensive consultation in the autumn.

Martin Grant are aiming that the Gosden Hill development will provide a high quality, sustainable, green and connected community. It will provide much needed quality homes for all, as well as local shops, schools and new employment opportunities.

The development will be set within a new publicly accessible parkland setting that will provide recreational opportunities for new and existing local residents. These will include the creation of new accessible woodland space at Cotts Wood, new playing fields, multi-function green spaces, and village squares.

The neighbourhood will be outward looking and sustainably connected to the surrounding areas of Burpham and Merrow, the town centre of Guildford, and wider destinations in the southeast.

More Details

The A25 Policy and the Strategic Development Framework – Supplementary Planning Document See Link Below


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