The route south of Guildford to Horsham has been an important transport corridor for centuries. In the Victorian era it attracted substantial investment in the form of the Wey and Arun Junction Canal and the Horsham to Guildford Railway, both now closed. With the rise of Motor Transport, we have been left with the A281 which wends it way to Horsham passing through several significant villages.
This corridor is a significant route into Guildford Borough from the South, and it is vital that it operates effectively.
There is infrastructure available for growth which should be protected.
There are now plans (See full details in attached article) that would disrupt the old rail alignment in favour of re-opening the canal. The Society believes there needs to be a careful debate before this is acceded too involving bodies who strategically plan transport e.g. TfSE. Transport corridors are in scarce supply in the South East and they should be protected for future generations.
Help us make Guildford better
We want our town to be vibrant, attractive and liveable. We support development that brings a sense of place and enhances the best aspects of our town. If such aims can be embraced, we believe Guildford has the chance to lead the way in enabling sensitive and sustainable development.
Pressures for development are increasing. Planning rules are being eased. The Society’s commitment to standing up for Guildford is needed more than ever.
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