To accelerate the introduction of ultra-low and zero emission buses in Surrey; Surrey County Council are backing a scheme to introduce up to 80 ultra-low or zero-emission buses and 50 community transport minibuses by 2025 with the aim that all buses across the county will be ultra-low or zero-emission by 2030. Residents will also benefit from improvements to bus journey times and increased real time passenger information in busy areas.
Financial support will be provided by Surrey County Council with supporting investment from bus operators and community transport providers. Surrey County Council’s investment will see £32.3m allocated to buses, £6.3m for Community Transport vehicles, £9m for bus priority measures on the highway and £1.4m dedicated to improving the real time passenger information system.
The Society welcomes this initiative as we need to tackle the pollution caused in many areas in the borough e.g. Shalford. The probable relocation of Guildford Bus Station, as part of the North Street Development, together with low emission buses should be taken as a opportunity to review the services in the Guildford area to make bus travel more attractive.
See Press Release
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