The Guildford Society would like to welcome Members and their partners to our Summer Social and AGM. The event will be held at:
Dapdune Wharf
Wharf Road
Guildford GU1 4RR
Ample parking is available.
Registering Attendance.
We are providng Drinks and Refreshments. We would appreciate a donation of £8:00 per person to cover our expenses. We will accept donations at the event via Chip and Pin Card (prefered), cheque or cash.
The Agenda for the Evening will be
After the formal agenda there will be time for further socialising.
To help us provide appropriate catering please register your interest in attending, using the registration fileds below.
Rember to press the Registration Button -- it will come back with a incorrect message saying we will be in touch soon (A fault we are trying to get rectified)
AGM Agenda and Documetation
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the AGM held December 2023
3. Matters arising
4. Chairman's and Vice-Chairmen's reports
5. Honorary Treasurer's report
6. Election of Trustees (See Note Below)
7. Any other business
In accordance with the Society's Constitution, a third of the Trustees must retire each year, but may stand for re-election.
Our Current Executive Members are
Alistair Smith - Chairman
Peter Coleman - Deputy Chair & Chair - Design & Heritage Group
Gillian Cameron - Hon. Secretary
John Harbor - Treasurer
Rosemary Napp - Design & Heritage Group
Nic Allen - Design & Heritage Group
John Baylis – Planning Group
Barry Williams - Acting Membership Secretary and Transport Group
Executive members making themselves available for re-election will be added to this webpage shortly. A nomination form for other candidates can be found below.
Nominations for additional Trustees should be sent to the Hon. Secretary at the address below, to be received by 7 Days before the AGM, signed by a proposer and seconder. Signed & seconded forms can be returned by post or, if preferred, may be scanned to obtain both signatures and returned via email to the Hon. Secretary. Details on Website
AGM Report to Be Added
Accounts To Be Added
Help us make Guildford better
We want our town to be vibrant, attractive and liveable. We support development that brings a sense of place and enhances the best aspects of our town. If such aims can be embraced, we believe Guildford has the chance to lead the way in enabling sensitive and sustainable development.
Pressures for development are increasing. Planning rules are being eased. The Society’s commitment to standing up for Guildford is needed more than ever.
Support Us
Getting involved allows the society to continue its work. We welcome new members, from every age and background. Membership provides an opportunity for you to contribute to the continued health of the town and surrounding area, and to meet other people who care about Guildford.