The new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has attracted a lot of attention with its use of the Standard Method to determine new housing numbers required by Local Planning Authorities (LPAs). In parallel there are a number of other initiatives emerging, which long-term, may have an even greater effect. These are due to be announced/consulted upon over the next six months.
The long-term planning framework looks to be:
A Heavy Emphasis on Spatial Planning over wider areas than existing LPAs this will be supported by devolution of powers to heavily revised Local Government Areas.
Nationally Significant Infrastructure will be supported by enhanced powers for central government to require their inclusion in local plans.
Local Plans will still be vital to the system but will have to take Housing Numbers and key infrastructure projects from a national level.
Local plans will have to take into account the five golden rules.
Local Plans will attempt to upgrade local involvment and consultation during their preparation.
The Society below gives a brief overview of what we understand may be happening over the next 6 months. As more detail is available we will create a separate post to explain the detail, as we have done for the published NPPF.
Published in Final Form and is now in force. Full details on this link
A Devolution White Paper has been published which proposals for:
Devolution White Paper is at this link.
Bill to be placed before Parliament mid-summer.
Increased powers to use compulsory Purchase orders (CPO) for Brownfield Sites
Modernise Planning System (A consultation on this has been published available on this LINK
Supports drive to move consultation to Plan Making Phase of local plans and make approving individual sites within the context of an agreed plan simpler..
Measures to ensure the 60% of councils who have old Local Plans complete these speedily.
Bill Spring 2025
Interim Report due soon after Christmas, will identiy sites suitable for settlements of 10,000 and above. As well as Greenfield sites can also be Regeneration or Urban extensions
Final Report by Late Summer
Due next Summer, will standardise parts of Local Plans. The NPPF will be updated to incorporate these standard elements.
These are seen as of increasing importance, particulalry across a LPA. Note: It is not known if Guildford working on one.
Defra are believed to introducing new regulations that require air quality to be considered and as necessary mitigated in new development.
Launched Department of Transport. Links up to the Devolution White Paper as it will require areas to develop plans for integrated transport across modes.
To be published by the government in spring 2025
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