Redevelopment of No1 Farnham Road


Windfall Site

Two additional floors added to existing Office Block


Plans submitted 23/P/00764 

Amanded in detail with changes to the facades April 2024


8,906.7 SQ/M compared to 3,458.3 SQ/M currently.

5 Floors compared with 3 Today.  There is also a lower ground floor, used for parking.



Anomaly (London)


The society believes providing high quality office accommodation in the Station Area is to be welcomed as is proposed in the Guildford Economic Development Strategy approved 22-2-2023; we would urge this development is placed into the context of a strategic plan for the west side of the station.

The Guildford Society does have concerns related to details of the proposed redevelopment and is writing concerning the plans as recently amended.  However, the concept of re-using the basic structure of the existing block to provide upgraded office accommodation is to be commended.

A major issue with the application  is the lack of consideration as how this development relates to the wider area.  Guildford, which lacks strategic plans for areas of the town centre, continues to consider proposals at a site level rather than creating opportunities on a wider scale.  No 1 Farnham Road illustrates this on many aspects.

Adjacent Sites

The site at No1 Farnham Road is a windfall site and not covered by any Local Plan (LPSS2019) site policies however it is adjacent to an allocated site A7 that covers a large area of the western side of the station, this currently is proposed to allow Network Rail to revise the track layout of the station to cover potential future growth in services. 

However, this has also been considered as an opportunity for development as evidenced by plans for the revised west entrance to the station proposed both by Alllies and Morrison in its never adopted Strategic Plan 2015 and Solum the developers of the east side of the station identified an opportunity for a revised west side. and created initial plans, as a subsequent phase of station redevelopment.  Although not in Shaping Guildford’s Future, for unclear reasons, it does identify the site as a potential interchange location.

Creating a multi-mode proper interchange based on the station working in conjunction with the revised North Street Bus Station should be an aim.

The site is bordered by Guildford Park Road and Farnham Road and the Farnham Road Rail Bridge.  Surely there needs to be consideration of how the current junction might be made better for traffic, heavy vehicles often ride up the kerb as they turn onto the bridge.  Better provision for pedestrians and cyclists is also required ideally well separated from the traffic. Although there is discussion of a open Pedestrian way across the station access is still required by many straight up the Farnham Road.


Ageing Bridge

Although in recent years Network Rail have performed a maintenance exercise on the Farnham Road Bridge (Yellow Double Headed Arrow) there has been no change to its dimensions or capabilities.  At some point in the future the Farnham Road Bridge will need to be replaced which will require a worksite.  A site being re-developed at No1 Farnham Road provides a unique opportunity to create a worksite to enable full renewal/redevelopment of Farnham Rd Bridge.

Access to Farnham Road Car Park

No1 Farnham Road is bordered on the station side by the access road to Farnham Road Car Park (Purple Double Headed Arrow).  This road may be required by Network Rail if plans to add more platforms to the station materialise in the future (Adding platforms to the east side of the station is very difficult due to the Solum Development).  This may require access to be re-provided from a revised Farnham Road bridge.

Note an understanding of the Station Requirements and Farnham Road Car Park Access may result in a planning gain as it may be feasible to build out over the existing road access even if it ultimately is converted to rail use.  (See Picture Below)




The redevelopment as planned should only proceed once there has been a debate on broadly how the west side of the station is improved, including allowing for transport developments such as the link to Heathrow.  GBC/SCC and Network Rail need to take a strategic approach to the West Side of the Station and Farnham Road Bridge working in conjunction with the owners of No1 Farnham Road.



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