Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) has started work on a the installation of a state-of-the-art solar panel project which will supply renewable energy.
The 4,500 panels at the Babraham Road Park and Ride will transform the site into an energy source generating up to 2.5MW of green electricity and reduce CUH’s electrical carbon footprint by approximately 400 tonnes per year. The energy will supply local charging for electric cars, buses and taxis, and the surplus will be purchased directly by Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH).
CUH annouced plans in April 2022, setting out how the Trust will save more than two thousand tonnes of direct carbon emissions over the next three years and become a net-zero organisation by 2045.
The project is expected to be complete in Autumn 2023 and work will be carried out in three phases to keep as much of the car park open as possible at any one time.
Guildford has several large car parks e.g. Artington & Merrow Park and Ride Sites, University of Surrey that could provide an opportunity for their owners. The PV Panels also provide shelter for the parked cars.
See Here for more details
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