SPD for Parking

19 October 2021

Parking Standards for Guildford

Guildford Council have produced a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) covering Parking in the Borough.  This document has been reviewed by the council Executive Advisory Board prior to final agreement at a future council meeting.  It will be then published for formal public consultation, but the document presented at the EAB shows the how the council are thinking on the design and provsion of parking.  

The document is split into three areas:

  1. Background setting out the purpose of the SPD and relevant national and local policies and guidance.
  2. Parking Standards describes the proposed parking standards as well as guidance on the application of these standards.
  3. Design Guidance outlines best practice guidance for the design of car parking spaces in new development, including dimensions of standard car parking spaces and also dimensions for garages. Advice is also provided on the design of car club spaces, disabled parking bays, EVCPs and provision of cycle parking.

You can see the Draft Document below


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