Despite Covid, Network Rail are still looking at options to improve the main line to Waterloo to meet future demand. A recent report lays out options for the line between Woking and Waterloo with a further reports due on the Main line to Southampton/Bournemouth and the Portsmouth Line.
Although the pandemic has unquestionably had a significant impact on rail demand, it should be remembered that the SWML was already considerably over capacity, with the resultant impact on performance, and even a long-term reduction in demand is very unlikely to negate the need for any future investment.
The report does show the Network Rail Predictions on how Traffic will return to the railways with The report identifies several areas whare the line needs improvement. It is worth comparing the Network Rail Predictions with those from South Western Rail ways who are more pessimistic at least in the short term
The most local improvement is the upgrade of Woking Junction to incorporate a flyover from the Portsmouth Line in the London Direction together with an expansion at Woking Station.
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