SCC Consult on Local Transport Plan

21 September 2021

Have your say until 24th October 2021

Public Consultation is underway on the Surrey County Council Local Transport Plan 2022-2032.  Consultation closes on October 24th 2021

The forward to the plan highlights ‘Meeting the ambitious county and national carbon reduction targets requires significant changes across all elements of the economy and communities.’

The Strategy supports three key principles

Avoid by reducing the number and length of trips needed by improving land use planning, travel planning and levels of digital connectivity.

Shift travel to more sustainable modes: public transport, walking, and cycling, away from car use.

Improve emissions intensity and energy efficiency of vehicles and operational efficiency of roads, through technology improvements.

Of interest is that the Strategy does discuss Demand Management for Cars and also proposes a Surrey Street Framework.

See full document and an update of the Surrey Rail Strategy at the foot of this item.


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