The Society Today submitted an objection the currently proposed scheme for St Mary’s Wharf.
The Society believes that the site is one of the most important sites to be brought forward for development in Guildford over the last few decades. As Cllr John Rigg highlighted we need a ‘good high quality viable proposal’. Our view is the current proposal will do lasting damage to the Town Centre, and we would question its long-term viability.
Heritage – where the scheme has a major impact to views of heritage assets.
Scale, Height, & Massing – this is entirely out of proportion to the site being twice as high as the existing building.
Precedent – If allowed it would set dangerous precedent for other sites potentially to be developed in the Town Centre for height and Mass
Architecture – We feel the proposed Architecture does little to enhance the Town
Public and Community Benefits – there is limited efforts to open up the riverside, and it is a site that needs a good ‘attractor’ as it a key site in Guildford 7
Guildford Economic Regeneration Plan – if consented it may close off options being considered as part of the Guildford Economic Regeneration Plan
Site Access – No good access is provided to link into the lower high street.
Housing and Viability – Although the extra housing is welcome the Town Centre is already providing more than is scheduled in the Local Plan. We would argue a mixed-use development with less dwelling space would be better
Sustainability – We have concerns in this time of a ‘Climate Emergency’ on aspects of amajor new development.
The full letter of objection can be read below
Full Details of the Planning application are at 21/P/02232 on the GBC Website
The Society welcomes moves redevelop the Debenhams site. However, we consider the scheme, as presented during this 3rd Consultation, is fundamentally flawed.
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