The Stag Hill Cathedral Site development was rejected by the council. The developers Vivid and the Cathedral appealed the decision. The inspector has now reported his decision and rejected the appeal.
The inspector’s report makes several telling points on the scheme; some of these points may also apply to other sites in Guildford.
The inspector noted that ‘GBC have a forward supply of deliverable housing sites of 6.29 years well in excess of the five years demanded in the NPPF. The Local Plan policy made a provision of ‘at least 10,678 homes to 2034. The LPSS identifies that a potential of 14,602 homes exists over the plan period’.
This highlights it is not necessary to accept the current trend for High and Massive Developments – we seem to be accepting a path of quantity not quality for schemes in the borough. It is time policies are introduced, even in draft, to manage development more effectively.
The Inspector's Judgment can be read below.
The developers (Taylor Wimpey) of this major strategic site elected to ask for the Planning Inspectorate to review the development; with the GBC Planning Committee providing input as part of this process. The planning inspector has after a lengthy hearing at the end of 2023 has now approved the application.
Guildford Planning Department and Surrey County Council have accepted changes proposed by the developer have addressed their concerns. The site remains controversial on a number of grounds including , impact on the local community, environmental impact, and sustainability.
The Inspectors Judgement can be read below.
More details of both sites can be found on the links below.
A residential led mixed use development, allocated for:
1) Approximately 2,000 homes
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