Standard Design for Small – Medium Stations

01 October 2024

An Adaptable Station Design

Network Rail has been working since 2018 to create a station design that is modern, efficient, sustainable and most importantly meets passenger needs..

The proposed design needs to be capable of being developed at scale, for low cost, without compromising quality.  

This has been developed as the HUB Station concept; which is a simple and adaptable system for delivering stations to a high standard across the railway.

Developed in collaboration with 7N Architects, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers from Arup, Landscape consultants LUC, cost consultants Gardiner and Theobald, followed with contractor assessment by Storey Construction, the outcome was a benchmarked standard design that’s key to future success.

HUB Station has been designed so that it can be easily scaled and adapted to individual spaces and requirements of new stations, creating design, planning and construction efficiencies. Less time, money and effort is needed to create and implement the designs, lowering costs and improving productivity.


Some key innovative features (some of which are optional) of the HUB Station design include:

  • a clock tower acting as a local landmark while providing 5G Data information on train services
  • a solar panelled canopy providing shelter and generating power for the station
  • pods and frames located under the canopy that can be waiting rooms and toilet facilities
  • a landscaped forecourt or ‘welcome mat’ featuring an ‘activity pavilion’ for local enterprise.
  • Uses low-carbon recyclable materials such as timber in construction.
  • The canopy gathers solar energy that can be used to power station services.
  • The design is highly flexible as each part can be tailored to the individual site and budget.
  • Modular build using pre-built off site componnets improving quality.

Already Adopted

The HUB Station concept has already been adopted for the planning of several new stations. Examples include: the redevelopment of Wickford station in Essex, proposals for five new stations between Cardiff Central and Severn Tunnel Junction in Wales and a new town station at Portishead, Somerset.

Impact on Guildford.

Guildford is planning to create new stations at Guildford West (RSCH) and Guildford East (Gosden Hill) so this design may be the one adopted for the stations if they are approved.


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