Transport for the South East (TfSE) is a grouping of councils in the South Eat that has developed a Transport Strategy for the Region covering the next 30 years. TfSE state their priorities for the transport system is “decarbonise the transport system, level up left behind communities, encourage modal shift, and facilitate sustainable economic growth in the southeast”.
TfSE is now, subject to final approval on the 13th March 2023 by the TfSE Partnership Board, going to present a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) to the government to request funding for a programme of projects that are aligned to overall strategy. The Partnership Board meeting can be watched via YouTube on the 13th of March. You can watch it live here.
The society responded to the consultation process last autumn. There appear to be detail changes to the final SIP but the main thrust of proposals remains intact.
TfSE have also published a series of supporting papers that detail the thinking behind their plans. The paper that covers our area is attached below.
If the SIP is agreed and acted upon Guildford could see:
A major issue is that we have numerous studies e.g. electrifaction of the North Downs Line etc. We now need to see action if we are to avoid gridlock, support sustainable development, and respond to climate issues.
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We want our town to be vibrant, attractive and liveable. We support development that brings a sense of place and enhances the best aspects of our town. If such aims can be embraced, we believe Guildford has the chance to lead the way in enabling sensitive and sustainable development.
Pressures for development are increasing. Planning rules are being eased. The Society’s commitment to standing up for Guildford is needed more than ever.
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