Transport for South East Strategy

15 December 2024

Update Published

Transport for the South East (TfSE) have released a updated Transport Strategy for the region for public consultation. The area covered includes Hampshire, Sussex, Kent, West Berkshire, and Surrey. The members of TFSE can be seen in the image below.

Particular schemes that are of interest to Guildord include:

  • Upgrading the Rail Junction at Woking to create a flyover
  • Make the A3 a more resilient Transport Corridor and also use this work to aid placemaking.
  • Encourege use of more sustainable modes of transport, and accessibility to transport modes.
  • Roll-out integrated fares and ticketing
  • Decarbonise railways – this could mean the North Downs Line is electrified or has bi-mode Electric/Battery rolling stock.

The 2019 LPSS

The Guildford Local Plan adopted in 2019 was in part predicated on updrades to the A3 many of which have not been delivered.  The proposals by TfSE show A3 Resilience and Placemaking (The definition of what is intended is unclear) not being actioned until 2035.

You can comment on this survey

Residents, businesses, and interest groups in the South East to take part in the public consultation on our draft Transport Strategy to submit your views on the transport challenges and priorities that the Draft Transport Strategy sets out.

The Draft Strategy can be accessed below.


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