Trams to get Britain moving?

20 January 2025

A New Report

Britain Remade and Create Streets have collaborated on a recently released new report 'How to Build New Trams in the UK and Get Britain Moving'. (see link below). This insightful document delves into strategies for utilising tram systems, aiming to alleviate traffic congestion and boost urban mobility.

It also highlights that Tram Systems can be the answer to providing transport in areas that have been subject to a higher density of housing. Higher housing densities may be required to meet government demands to build 1.5Million homes.

The report also highlights that Tram systems are very attractive to users of public transport.

Very Light Rail

In another development, the Coventry Very Light Rail (VLR) trial is set to commence in 2025 (See Link). This pioneering project offers a glimpse into the future of urban transportation, leveraging advanced technology and materials to create a more efficient and sustainable tram system.

There are two technologies that the Coventry Scheme is trialing. 

Firstly the use of very lightweight enegy efficient vehicles powered by batteries.

Secondly, and potentially of most interest, is the use of a very strong and flexible cement, allowing for shallower track foundations compared to conventional trams in the UK. This innovation not only reduces construction costs, particulalry the need to reroute services, but is claimed to be quicker and cheaper to instal.

Relevance to Guildford

Guildford has long grappled with traffic congestion, which is likly to get worse as the borough will need to provide more housing.  There is a need for improved public transport solutions. The introduction of Tram Trains could be a game-changer, as they can utilise the existing rail network to access the town centre and also service many of the Strategic Sites outlined in the local plan.

An example might be to service the Balckwells Farm site, RSCH and Research Park with a tram route which joins the exiting Reading to Guildford Line to link to Guildford Station. 

By better utilizing the rail network, Tram Trains can offer a reliable and efficient alternative to car travel, helping to ease traffic woes and enhance connectivity within a wide area.

The Coventry VLR trial, use of Tram Trains in Sheffield, and soon to be introduced Tram Train services in Wales will be able to show how this transport solution works in practice. 

Although Guildford can be judged as below the size considered for trams in the UK, the ability to make use of the Rail Corridors, which can be more intensively used with modern signalling, to provide mass transit to sites that may be densely developed should be considered.


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