Weyside Urban Village

Policy A25 in the Local Plan shows a ambitious plan that covers two major elements.

Sewage and Waste Treatment

The rebuilding of the current sewage and waste transfer station on a site to the north of the Slyfiled industrial site.

(1) New council waste management depot (relocated on site) 
(2) New or enhanced waste management facilities (including a waste transfer station and a community recycling centre) 
(3) New sewage treatment works and

Weyside Urban Village

 After Land remediation the vacant land will be available for development.  This development - now called Weyside Urban Village - is allocated to provide

(1) Approximately 1,500 homes of which 1,000 homes (C3) will be delivered within the plan period 
(2) 6 Gypsy and Traveller pitches 
(3) Approximately 6,500 sq m Light industrial (B1c) / Trade counters (B8) 
(4) Community facilities (D1)

Weyside Urban Village Plans for  Approval

The Weyside Urban Village is in the process of developing a planning application which is to be split into several parts. 

‘Hybrid’ Planning Application for Weyside Urban Village - See Below
The Hybrid plan will be suplemented with a series of Detailed permissions (approval of Reserved Matters) will be sought on phases of development in accordance with parameter plans and Design Code – these will be subject to separate consultation.
Weyside overview 102020


The team working on the Weyside Scheme have completed a series of public consultations.

Below are links to a selection of the final sllides presented on the proposals split into topic areas and optimised for download.

The final presentations provided details on 

Principles for the Development and Planning Application Timescales




All presentations can be found at the Weyside Urban Village Site 

Hybrid Planning Application 30-12-2020

As discussed in the consultation process Weyside Urban Village have now submitted a hybrid planning application 20/P/02155 for the redevelopment of part of the allocated site for the Slyfield Area Regeneration Project for a mixed-use development (known as Weyside Urban Village). 

This covers

  1. Outline planning approval for:
    1. the demolition of existing buildings and infrastructure and outline planning permission for up to 1550 dwellings;
    2. local centre comprising up to 1800 sqm of retail (inc. convenience store), healthcare, community, nursery and flexible employment uses (Use Class E);
    3. Up to 500 sqm of flexible community facilities (Use Classes E/F1/F2); up to 6,600 sqm of flexible employment space (Use Classes E/B2/B8);
    4. Up to 30,000 sqm for new Council Depot Site (Use Classes E/B8); 6 Gypsy and Traveller pitches (Use Class C3); and associated road infrastructure, landscaping (including Sustainable Drainage Systems) and amenity space.
  2. Full planning permission for the development of primary and secondary site accesses, internal access roads and associated landscaping.
  3. Full planning permission for engineering operations associated with remediation and infrastructure, including primary and secondary sub-stations; utilities and drainage (including Sustainable Drainage Systems).

Note a separate planning permission for the reposition Sewage Plant and Council Facilities will be submitted.

The Documentation provided is massive (246 Documents), below are a series of links to starter documents on a series of subject areas.  Note many of the documents have been split into a series of individual PDF files so treat the list of documents below just as a way to look at a taster of the material available.  Several areas havn't been highlighted e.g. Heritage but can be found in the list found here.

The society has started reviewing the material and has already identified points for discussion and clarification, please see our issues which will update as we consider further.

Illustrative Masterplan

Design and Access Statement

A summary of the Development

Travel Plan for the Site

These plans have evolved and now include car access fom just north of the A3 Ladymead junction. 

Flood Risk Assessment

The site is beside the Wey Navigation and how its flood protection is implemented in conjuction with ongoing discussions related to Guildford Town Centre Flood prevention will be of interest

Design Code

A important document as it seeks to guide the development over the 10 years it will take to build.

Environmental Statement Non-Technical

There are a large number of documents concerned with the environmental issues related to the site

Ground Investigation.

This a vital area as the old Waste Treatment Plan and Council Facilities have been in use for approximately a century.  Understanding what is in the ground and remediating the risks due to previous bad environmental practices is key.  There are project risks as certainty of costs and timescales for remediation is always an issue.  Remediation also has to be done to rigorous standards to prevent harm to adjacent communities.

Response to Planning Application

The Society has reviewed, as best we can, the 240 documents related to the Weyside Planning application.  This scheme has been years in preparation and still faces significant hurdles, not least from local allotment holders. 

The Society believes that Weyside is a good Brownfield Urban site and that the plans presented show serious intent to design a development that has a sense of place.

The Council who are the developers of the site are to be commended for the general approach as outlined in the application with a masterplan, parameter plans and design codes to which all subsequent detailed applications must comply.  We consider the application is based on good urban design principles.

We have major concerns on issues such as transport, flooding, and density.  Under the Planning Laws which require a binary approach of support or object we have submitted our comments as an objection.  We hope our objections and comments are addressed in the planning process. 

See our letter to GBC

May 2021 Sewage Treatment Plant News

Thames Water plan to relocate the Guildford Sewage Treatment Works (STW) as a like-for-like replacement of the facilities, which treats wastewater for around 120,000 people.  Thames Water expect to submit a planning application to Surrey County Council, as the waste planning authority, in late 2021

The relocated works will take into account new housing developments within the catchment for the STW; and also provide further room for expansion.  The new STW will meet the latest Environment Agency standards particularly for discharged water quality.

The relocated works are planned to occupy approximately 8 hectares to the north east of the Slyfield Industrial estate; with vehicle access from North Moors and Westfield Road.

The STW is being built on the former Slyfield landfill site.  The design will avoid having to remove large quantities of landfill, most structures will above ground level on piled foundations. The STW will be raised slightly compared with current site.

Claimed Benefits

For more details and contribute to consultation see Guildford Treatment Works.

See Relocation Plan below


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