Blackwell Park

Proposes a residential led mixed use development:

  • Approximately 1,800 homes of which a minimum of 1,500 homes (C3) will be delivered within the plan period
  • 6 Gypsy and Traveller pitches and
  • Approximately 35,000 sq m of employment (B1) on a 10-11 ha extension to the Surrey Research Park of which a minimum of
  • 30,000 sq m will be delivered within the plan period and
  • Approximately, in a new Local Centre, 500 sq m of comparison retail (A1), 660 sq m of convenience retail (A1), 550 sq m services (A2 –A5), and 500 sq m.
  • A primary school (D1) (two form entry) and
  • A secondary school (D1) (up to six form entry, of which two forms are needed for the housing on the site, and the remainder for the wider area) and
  • Part of the southern part of the site is identified in the Green Belt and Countryside Study and is allocated for access with the A31 Farnham Road

Requirements Transport strategy

  • Vehicular access to the site allocation will be via the existing or a realigned junction of the A31 (see Policy A27), and from the site to Egerton Road, preferably via Gill Avenue
  • A through vehicular link which will be controlled is required via the above accesses between the A31 Farnham Road and Egerton Road to provide a new route for employees and emergency services to the Surrey Research Park, the University of Surrey’s Manor Park campus and the Royal Surrey County Hospital, as well as a choice of vehicular access for the new residents/occupiers. This will reduce impact on the A31/A3 junction, in advance of the delivery of Highways England’s A3 Guildford scheme
  • The provision of the western route section of the Sustainable Movement Corridor on-site, and a necessary and proportionate contribution to delivering the western route section off-site, having regard to the Sustainable Movement Corridor Supplementary Planning Document
  • The provision of extended and/or new bus services to serve the site and which will also serve the western suburbs of Guildford and the town centre
  • Permeability for pedestrians and cyclists into and from the development
  • Necessary and proportionate contribution towards the provision of the Guildford West (Park Barn) railway station
  • Other off-site highway works to mitigate the impacts of the development
  • Other supporting infrastructure must be provided on the site, including a local retail centre (see above) including a GPs surgery and community building, open space (not associated with education provision) including playgrounds and allotments; and a two-form entry primary school to serve the development

The Access to the site is covered by Policy A27

  • The access road will connect the A31 Farnham Road to the Blackwell Farm site (Policy A26).
  • The access road will represent an improvement of the existing access road to Down Place, a new road or a combination of both.
  • Junction of the access road with the A31 Farnham Road will be signalised.
  • The design of the access road, including its junction, will be sympathetic to its setting within and adjacent to the AONB and within the AGLV. 
  • Mitigation measures to reduce the landscape impact. This will include sensitive lighting, buffer planting, a construction management plan to avoid disturbance to wildlife during critical species periods, and a maintenance plan to ensure the establishment of proposed planting and the ongoing health of the existing landscape.
  • No other development will be permitted within this site.

Current Status

Some initial ideas proposed in March 2019; see Blackwell Park  Detailed discussions are still underway to resolve issues related to Infrastructure Provision etc.  University very committed to provide a high quality development. 


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