The developers of the Law College Site (Elysian Residences) have made several changes to the proposed scheme following consultations with local Residents GBC and other interested parties. (See Brochure at Bottom of Post) A planning application has now been submitted (23/P/01850).
The Scheme is going to have an area devoted to Senior Living and an area for Market Housing. The Senior Living is accomadated in new building s replacing the Law College Buildings dating from the 1960's !970's. The Market Housing is situated on the Car Park.
Elysian have made several interesting changes following discussions including a Design Review.
A significant area of the site will become accessible to the public running up almost to Brabouef Manor.
Plan of site - Public Access to light green area at east of site.
Braboeuf Manor will be retrieved from the close linkages to the modern buildings it is now linked too, and the rear façade uncovered.
Rear of Brabouef Maonor which will be restored to original facade
The Ancient Woodland will be preserved. There may be a a path running through it, although the developers are also considering whether it remains unspoilt.
The North Downs way will be re-routed, from Sandy Lane, through the site, to a new pedestrian crossing over the Portsmouth road just beside the entrance to the law college.
A mini-roundabout at the entrance has been considered; there are problems in providing this as it would necesitate tree removal.
All car parking is going to be concentrated in one Multi-Storey Car Park. Apparently, the plan for more senior residents is to offer valet parking – it will not be a cheap place to live!!!
The current walled garden will be revitalised and retained.
Walled Garden as it exists October 203
The new buildings will be 4-5 storey’s with pitched roofs.
Elysian is not a house builder so it is possible this part of the development will be constructed by another developer.
There will be circa 247 new homes C2 and C3 on the site.
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