Society Objects to Law College Redevelopment

20 December 2023

The Proposed Development

The proposal is to redevelop the site to provide via demolition/retention of existing buildings and erection of new buildings the provision of extra care housing (Use Class C2), this would also include reconfiguring associated ancillary accommodation and amenity space including  public realm works.  This would cover the areas used at present by the Law college, excluding the large car park. This work would include the restoration and upgrade works to Braboeuf Manor Grade II listed. 

The existing large car parking area is subject to an outline planning application for a residential led scheme (Use Class C3) and car park.

Unprecedented Scale in a Sensitive location

The Guildford Society has examined the material supporting the Elysian Planning Application (23/P/01850) to redevelop the Law College Site.

The Society’s key objection relates to the proposed scale of development and mass of the buildings in a sensitive area.  The Society notes the site is covered by the Greenbelt (Part Only), Surrey Hills National Landscape (SHNL)  (Previously AONB) and AGLV (Part Only).  The site is also outside the Guildford Urban Area but covered by the St Catherine’s Conservation area.

We don’t consider the current scheme shows proper consideration for its exceptionally sensitive position.

The society has written a full letter of objection to the scheme as it stands which you can read on the link below.


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