Law College

Redevelopment Proposed

Planning Application 23/P/01850

The University of Law is releinquishing the site in 2024 and the site has been aquired by Elysium .  The Law college site is one of two adjacent sites, the other being the Mount Browne site occupied by the Police HQ identified for development in the Local Plan.  Both are previously developed sites in the Green Belt.  

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LPSS Policy A33

The site of 0.7HA is allocated for approximately 112 student bedspaces 

(1) Significant regard to height of buildings with specific regard to the setting of the Grade II listed Braboeuf Manor
(2) Retain some parking on site, sufficient to meet day to day operational needs
Opportunities include
(1) Green corridors and linkages to habitats outside of the site, given the site’s proximity to ancient woodland and trees
Key considerations
(1) Impact on landscape (AONB)
(2) The site is within the curtilage of Braboeuf Manor which is a Grade II Listed building and also within the St. Catherines Conservation Area See Historic England listing
(3) The development may impact on some trees which could potentially provide habitat for bats, nesting opportunities for birds and foraging areas for badgers
(4) Provision of car parking

Map of LPSS Allocation


Site has been Acquired

The Law College on Portsmouth Road is due to close and leave the site in 2024.  A developer Elysian Residences have acquired the site. 

Elysian Residences is a UK business, specialising in the development and operation of luxury retirement communities. They aim to provide a premium service and care provision that, until recently, could only be found abroad.  It is claimed the Elysian model of living “allows you to enjoy a lifestyle that’s as relaxed or as sociable as you wish, all with discreet and flexible care on hand if and when you need it”.

Elysian was founded in 2013 and now has a portfolio of 9 retirement communities, either in development, awaiting planning or open, with around 900 units and a total sales value c. £900m.

Elysian’s initial vision for the site, “is a for a development that will provide a range of much-needed new housing with care and amenities, which will support local businesses, whilst preserving and enhancing surrounding heritage, greenspace and local ecology”.

An intial view of the proposed development.

lc prop

How the Law College Site and the Mount Browne sites interact.

Relationship of sites

Current Status

a) Elysian have now refined their plans and submited a application to GBC.  are refining their plans after two consultations.  The plan is for senior living accomadation and a quantum of housing for sale.  The plan is for outline planning at this stage for the housing to be situated on the car park - the housing development may be sold to another developer who has more experieince in creating market housing.

We have objected to the submitted plans see out letter at foot of the post as we believe it is overdevelopment and the proposals will impact the character of the area, including the AONB/Greenbelt, due to its excessive height and mass.

b) The developer has launced a website for the development.  Link to external site.

c) It is confirmed that the Police HQ is not moving and has now developed plans to upgrade their facilities. See link below.

Update August 2023

The Developers have now submitted a revised application with several significant changes to their plans. 

The changes include:

  • Removing the exisitng car park at the north of the site from the planning application - it will remain as a open car park for the present supporting the proposed development.
  • Removing one of the proposed blocks behind Braboeuf Manor and changing the floorplates of the three remaining blocks.
  • The submited site plan is shown below with 4 Blocks to the west of Braboeuf Manor.
  • The second diagram shows the revision to 3 blocks with deeper floorplates and reduced heights.  The Car park is now retained as a open parking area.
  • Revised design of the new blocks removing the pitched roof's and changes to the material used. 
  • Original submitted design is shown in the first illustraion design below.
  • The second illustration shows the same block redesigned removing pitched roofs and using different facing materials.

The diagram below shows the comparitive sections of the revised scheme.

  • Positioning of the southeastern block which is now substantially closer to Braboeuf Manor.  This is shown in the illustraion below with also the Manor being shown by the three new buildings behind.
  • Changes to the pavillion housing the resturant and health facilities.

NOTE:  We have added the developers summary of revisions as a PDF file in documents below.  The summary of revisons doesn't show all the pictures of the views presented in the revised planning application. 

Comments on the Revised Plans

The Society still has substantial concerns about the proposed development. In principle the scheme is to be welcomed as it ensures the site stays in useful occupation, provides a public green space, and improves Brabouf Manor.

Our concerns are:

  • Mass of Buildings, particularly the three buildings behind Braboeuf Manor. The footprints of the proposed buildings don’t relate to the conservation area pattern of nearby buildings. 
  • Positioning of the southeastern block which is now substantially closer to Braboeuf Manor.  
  • Design - where the horizontal element was overbearing, particulaly on the block to the south of Braboeuf Manor.
  • Impact on Views - Although the height has been reduced these are still inadequately illustrated and the proposals do impact the setting of St Catherine’s Chapel (Grade 1 Listed).    
  • Car Park - As this is now EXCLUDED from the planning application.  We are concerned as to what may happen in the future as we cannot see the car park remaining as a surface parking. Controlling a additional planning application on the parking area might be difficult in future.



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