Mount Brown and Law College Redevelopment Revisions - UPDATED 1/10/2024

22 August 2024

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Changes proposed

The proposals to redevelop the adjoining sites of Mount Browne and the Law college have both had modifications submitted recently.

We have updated our descriptions of the plans on our interactive map of Key Sites for Development in Guildford.  See links below.

Mount Browne

Modifications to the application to revamp the Police HQ are relatively minor but include making the Multi-Storey Car Park sit in the landscape better and more tree planting. 

We believe that there are further minor changes that could improve the scheme further e.g. lighting of the proposed access road should be made far less obtrusive.

Law College

This Planning Application has had more extensive changes including:

Removing plans to redevelop the part of the site occupied by the surface car park

Changes to the Height, Mass and Scale of the proposed new buildings.

The design of the new buildings has changed with their pitched roof’s removed and the facades changed. 

We have no objection to the basic desire to revamp the Law college site and use it for Senior living accommodation.  The developers proposals provide a new green public space and remove some unfortunate modern buildings attached to Braboeuf Manor. 

Law College - Our Letter of Objection 

We have major concerns with the proposals which has resulted in objecting to the development on the basis of Mass & Scale, Impact on the Manor house, and Views both within and from outside the Site. These are documented in out letter of objection that can be found below. More details on the site and it's evolution can be found on our site description below.


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