The consultation on the plans to build the Weyside Urban Village is coming to its end. The last of a series of ‘virtual’ event is 4th November - See how to attend
Weyside Urban Village has a Website containing lots of information including recordings of all presentations to date and supporting slide packs.
A Planning application is expected shortly. The Weyside plans have evolved considerably, although detailed building plans are not available. The current evolution of the plans is available at this slide presentation (Warning it can take time to Download).
There are several key areas that as a Society we were particularly interested in and will be examining closely as the plans are refined:
The site now has more entrances for vehicles defines, and options for the access routes for Pedestrians and Bicycles at the A3/Woking Road Junction.
The broad shape and height of the housing is proposed. A concern is what the density of the housing will be, the UK minimum standards are not good especially in a post-Covid environment.
A Design Code for the site is to be established. We await details.
Proposals for the establishment of a SANG, new bridge over the Wey and links into the Bellfields area are now clearer.
Ideas are merging on how various areas on the development can be given different Building Styles and Character.
We will await the full planning application before commenting more fully.
As this is an important site for Guildford we have set up a Webpage with a summary of the Site Allocation from the Local Plan plus a few key diagrams and links to material supplied by the Weyside Urban Village Developers. We will keep this updated as planning evolves
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