Riverside Business Park

Major Development Walnut Tree Close

Type and Status

Site Owner Portland Capital

Windfall Site at Riverview Industrial Park Walnut Tree Close
Pre- Application Discussions

Area of Land  0.9Ha approx for development, 0.1 Ha at North end of site purchased for access at time of flooding.


500 Dwellings (300 Student / 200 Co-living)

Areas of Ground Floor devoted to Commercial Use - likely to be Co-working and Food & Beverage


Shepphard Robson


Pre Application underway.  The proposals have advanced plans as to how to address flood risk that may be of use elswhere in the Town Centre.  Height will be 4 to 9 Stories spread acrosss 3-4 Blocks.   The site is planned to provide easy public access to a widened river tow path.  No parking will be provided. Highest Building will be at the north of the site.

The current use for light industrial will have to be re-provided elsewhere in the borough.

Developers website can be found here

The site should also be considered in realation to the Flood Prevention Scheme being proposed by the Environment Agency, and the possible provision of further student accomadation on Guildford Business Park, and the Garage Redevelopment on the opposite side of the river.  See links below

Building Height

The developers state

The buildings will primarily range from four to six storeys. A marker building reaching up to 9 storeys is also proposed to help with local wayfinding at the intersection of the riverside path and the route to the University. The site’s location at the base of the valley enables it to accommodate a modest, well positioned building of this nature

One of the Architects at the public presentation clarified that heights were as in the illustration below.  The Building Heights Dark Blue Numbers show the higher blocks with surrounding lower buildings in the 4-6 range


The developers presented the concept plan blow.  


This has been placed on a Google Aerial View.  Added in the recently completed Unilife block. 

The red line indicates the boundary to the extra land Portland have aquired to create Flood Access, but not it is also used to create space for a 9 Storey Landmark Building.


Flood Prevention

The plan is to have a flood wall tucked under the buildings.  This may will be approximaretly one meter above the foot of the pillars.  The Flood wall can be seen in the picture below disguised as the slope underneath the railings within the arches.



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